Monday, July 7, 2014


Hey blog.

How long has it been? I suppose it has been about a month three days or so. I have loads to write down, loads more for me to ponder and let my feelings out. It is definitely not healthy in any ways for me to keep locked in me. But i see no one i can share this thoughts and feelings with. 

They said that it's ramadan. It's a pure and holy month for us to test our hunger, our faith, our strength and our tolerance. With all my heart, i wished i was all i was better than i used to, i was more tolerant that i used to. But as i grew stronger, the amount of pressure and stress multiple that i would gladly surrender in defeat.

During this month, i've fasted and prayed to be a better person but He just had to ruin all the goodness that i felt. The anger and frustrations that he made me feel and how he made me feel of myself. The number of times, he made me cried and sobbed for things he would pick on which didn't really matter on a wide scale. For all the things he said to me that mentally and emotionally abused me, there's no form of communication around it. It seems to me that things has taken a change for the worse when i thought he has changed but i was wrong.

And add to that, it has been awhile since i last saw my family and work has been pretty much a pain. I'm on the verge of tears that leaves me in such a confused stated. I wish i had someone to cry on, talk to and laugh with. Even if it is momentarily, at least i have a bubble to keep me happy when i am not at home. Cause' even when he is around, it'd only pain me even more to be around his company.