Love novels, Korean dramas turns me into a hopeless romantic once again (: Once before i ever wish upon a star that maybe someday, there would be a charming man that would be the remedy to my misery. Naive, right ? I am still that same naive little girl but only now, i'm all grown up, i know what's out there in the big world.
It was a mistake to think differently after the countless conclusions i ever got doing the same old, trying to find someone to talk to. It only lead to one thing, that one thing alone.
Slowly, gradually. Things in life, it's picking itself up and arranging for me to see brighter thus better of what to expect. I got a mister waiting for me at home. Nope, he's no remedy to my misery neither is he the cause to my misery anymore. And there's also my little angel, she's who is pampered brat yet she's the one who put a smile on my face.
I'm afraid of what people are gonna say of us, of me. But somehow, i guess i couldn't be that bothered cz i got it all there in that little family.
Even if this is all but a dream, my imagination. Please let it stay this way.