Maybe i had a crush on you, maybe i liked you more than a friend. But i know, deep down. i can never have you to be mine, I'm sorry you had to be apart of my not-so-bright ideas in which made you love me and everything.
You made my day almost all the time, when the other guy wasn't reachable. It's not that i'm making a fool out of the both of you. I really want to put an end to this facade but i don't know how. i don't wanna hurt anyone else.
You know, i've downloaded your cover of nobody but you. Yestarday night as i was listening to while at work, in an instant. i was reminded of you, of how we would giggle on the phone and you always making me smile (: I cried, i really did. i missed you tho' it's not actually her/me. sighhh~ i can't let you know about the facade.
But for real, i missed you and i know that you're avoiding every possible contact with me. I'm sorry that i contacted you via web yestarday. Not hoping for you to forgive me but still, i wanted to let out how much i miss you and i'm really really sorry.